Indicates required field First Name Last Name Email Please select your county --Please select one--DavidsonMontgomeryRutherfordSumner How can we help you today? --Select One--I need help setting up my accountI need a copy of my tax statement.A fee was added to my account.A payment of mine was returnedMy child was dropped from the roster.Other/not listed Please select all the following that apply to you It says my email is not unique I never received a reset link/password. My program balance/membership due is not showing up. It won't let me change/add a payment method. I can't make a payment. My tax form does not show up. Certain members of my household aren't listed on my account. I need to remove members listed on my account. None of the above/other. Please describe how we can help you today. Please provide any other related details. CAPTCHA For security, complete the math problem above. 10 + 6 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Have a Program Question? Contact Your School Today Find Your School
Indicates required field First Name Last Name Email Please select your county --Please select one--DavidsonMontgomeryRutherfordSumner How can we help you today? --Select One--I need help setting up my accountI need a copy of my tax statement.A fee was added to my account.A payment of mine was returnedMy child was dropped from the roster.Other/not listed Please select all the following that apply to you It says my email is not unique I never received a reset link/password. My program balance/membership due is not showing up. It won't let me change/add a payment method. I can't make a payment. My tax form does not show up. Certain members of my household aren't listed on my account. I need to remove members listed on my account. None of the above/other. Please describe how we can help you today. Please provide any other related details. CAPTCHA For security, complete the math problem above. 10 + 6 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.