2024-25 Parent Handbook

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  • YMCA Fun Company (Fun Co.) provides safe, quality care at more than 120 sites throughout the Middle Tennessee area.
  • Any student attending the specific school location where a Fun Co. program is located can enroll at that specific location. The ages we serve at each location will be based on the ages attending that specific school. Ages vary from 4 years to 14 years depending upon license age limit.
  • The YMCA reserves the right to close/combine sites based on school accessibility and enrollment. • When you register your child in the Fun Company program, you are securing the availability of care for the entire school year; therefore, you are responsible for the weekly fees regardless of attendance.
  • To register your child for Fun Co., please register online, sign the permission statement and submit your registration fee.
  • Once your child is registered, the following items must be completed before your child attends Fun Co.: Child Information Form completed and signed. ◊ Pre-placement visit conducted as required by the Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS). ◊ Flu Notification Form. ◊ For children attending Pre-K programs, a Tennessee Certificate of Immunization must be completed.
  • Online registration and Child Information Form must be completed for each new program (Fall and Summer).
  • Immunization forms must be up to date and on file at the local school.
  • You will receive a Summer Adventure Parent Guide with specific information about summer care.
  • All weekly fees are to be paid—either online at ymcafunco.org or by a scheduled weekly/monthly draft—in advance of service. Fees become due every Friday for the upcoming week. Payment is expected by 6:30 a.m. on the Monday of care and must be paid prior to your child's attendance.
  • To ensure the Fun Co. program is a good fit for your before/after care needs, we extend a two-week trial period for all new enrollees, during which you may unenroll your child at any time. Registration and weekly fees apply
  • We reserve the right to request withdrawal of a child during or after the trial period if one or more of the following conditions exists: (1) the child is not participating in or benefiting from the program; (2) the staff cannot provide adequate or safe care for the child; (3) the staff cannot provide adequate or safe care to other enrolled students due to the needs of this child.
  • After the two-week trial period expires, a two-week advance written notice is required before leaving the program at the parent’s request. Parents are responsible for fees during these two weeks (see “Withdrawal From the Site/Program”).
  • Parents should update all information—including additional medical information and/or a change in address, telephone numbers or family situations—at the time of change. Please check every six months to make sure all information is correct.
  • The Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) requires that parents complete a pre-placement visit prior to completing their child’s enrollment in Fun Co.
  • The YMCA discourages kids from bringing toys, electronic devices and/or items from home. The YMCA is not responsible for broken, lost or stolen items.
  • The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) requires licensed childcare centers—including Fun Co.—to have a written policy regarding intoxicated adults or adults who display behavior which may place the child(ren) in immediate risk when picking up. Children shall not be released to anyone a reasonable person may conclude would place a child at imminent risk. A child may be released if it is reasonably believed a refusal to release that child could place staff or other children at imminent risk. Should such an incident arise, emergency personnel must and will be contacted immediately.

Fee Policies

  • A non-refundable registration fee is required at the time of enrollment.
  • To determine our fees each school year, we review the school calendars for each of the counties we serve to determine the anticipated total number of days we will provide care. We consider school year start dates, Fall Break, Winter Break, Spring Break and other abbreviated weeks. We then set a fee schedule for the year based on the costs associated with operating our program—staffing, Affordable Care Act, supplies, etc. Fees may be adjusted with changes to the school calendar of which we have advance notice.
  • There are five types of services requiring fees in Fun Company: Regular Weekly Care (Before Care, After Care, and Before & After Care), All-Day Outs (Teacher In-Service, Teacher Planning, etc), Spring/Fall Break/Winter Break, Snow Days/Inclement Weather and Drop-In Care. Regular Weekly Care—Once you enroll your child in Fun Co., you are reserving a space for that child for the entire school year. Payment for the services you register for will be expected regardless of attendance.
  • At the beginning of the school year, a Calendar of Fees specific to the county where your child attends Fun Co. will be available online at ymcafunco.org. This will list the fees for the school year, which are aligned to the school system calendar. Please keep this document for your reference throughout the school year.
  • Regular Weekly Fees—Fees become due every Friday for the upcoming week. Unless noted on the Calendar of Fees, payment for each full week of care is expected by 6:30 a.m. on the Monday of care and must be paid prior to the child's attendance.
  • A full week of care is considered a minimum of three days of normal Fun Co. before/after care in a calendar week.
  • Regular Fun Co. fees must be paid during the weeks where there are snow days, holidays and child absences. These fees will not be pro-rated or credited.
  • Parents may receive credit for up to two weeks of missed attendance with either advance notice or a doctor’s note (see “Sickness/Vacation Credit”). A “week” of credit is 5 consecutive days (no partial week credit/pro-rate).
  • Legal Holidays—There is no reduction in your weekly fee for legal holidays. Fees are computed on a full-week basis.
  • Sibling Discount—Parents with more than one child enrolled in the program will receive a discount on a second child and all subsequent children who enroll during the same school year program.
  • Fees for winter/spring break and all other “school’s out” days will not be charged automatically. You must register separately in advance at ymcafunco.org. You must register in advance for Spring/Fall/Winter Break Care because these days are scheduled in the school calendar and we can plan for them, you only pay for the days you register for.
  • These full-week breaks are the only weeks when you are not required to pay regular weekly fees. You will be required to pay for the days for which you register, whether your child attends them or not. If any “breaks” are shorter than the scheduled full week, regular weekly fees are required for that week, and additional fees are required if you register for care on the abbreviated “break” days.
  • To attend All-Day Outs, you must register online in advance. Additional fees will apply. Your regular weekly fees are due whether you child attends the All Day Out or not.
  • There is an additional fee for Snow Days/Inclement Weather Days. Although we can’t anticipate snow/inclement weather to require advance registration, Snow Day Care will be provided at selected schools. If you attend, you are required to pay an additional fee online within the week of care provided. Your regular weekly fees are due whether your child attends snow/inclement weather days or not—even in the rare occasion that school is out the entire week.
  • Drop-In Care (up to two days) rates are available at selected sites offering before and after care. Space for drop-in care is limited and not offered at all sites. Sites with two-day care are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. You must choose in advance the two days the child will attend; once selected, a child’s schedule cannot change without two weeks’ written notice. Students enrolled in drop-in or two-day care may register and attend Extended Day, All-Day Outs and Spring/Fall/Winter breaks. They are may also attend on snow/inclement weather days. Additional fees apply.
  • Contact your local Fun Co. administrative office for a complete list of sites offering drop-in care.
  • “Responsible” and Billing Parties—As the enrolling parent, you are responsible for all fees related to your child’s participation. Upon request, the YMCA is able to send account statements to a “billing” party other than parent/guardian; regardless, you remain responsible for payment of all fees.
  • DHS Certificates—Fun Co. accepts DHS certificates. Parents are responsible for: (1) full fees until we receive their DHS certificate; (2) securing their certificate and keeping it up to date; (3) paying the difference between the value of the certificate and the program fees; (4) ensuring their child is not absent more than 5 days per calendar month. If a child is absent for more than 5 days, the parent is responsible for the full monthly payment. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in dismissal.
  • Financial assistance is available through private donations to those who qualify for a reduced rate. To apply for this program please visit https://www.cognitoforms.com/YMCAOfMiddleTennessee/financialassistancediscountform and complete the application process. We require completed application and verification of income as stated on the application. We cannot process this application before you are registered for the program. You are responsible for full fees until any assistance is granted; we are unable to make any fees retroactive. Applications can take up to 2 weeks to be processed. Once your application is processed you will receive an email with the results of your application, or with a request for any information still needed to process your application.
  • Leaving the Program—Participants leaving the program are required to notify the YMCA in writing two weeks prior to leaving and are responsible for payment during these two weeks.
  • All payments must be made online at ymcafunco.org by bank draft or by credit card payment. If you have any questions about payments, contact the School Age Services Support Center at 615-742-7328.
  • We do not accept cash, checks or money orders at the site for payment.
  • We can accept debit card, credit card and check payments online at ymcafunco.org; however, you can only add/edit payment information online. You must contact our School Age Services Support Center at 615-742-7328 to edit or delete any payment information.
  • You must register online and pay fees for school breaks and All-Day Outs. We do not invoice for these days.


Electronic Bank Draft

  • There are two options for paying with an electronic bank draft—online at ymcafunco.org or by an automated weekly/monthly draft.
  • You can set up a weekly/monthly draft by submitting a Change Form or calling the School Age Services Support Center at 615-742-7328. If you are submitting a Change Form, we need to have the checking account you wish to draft on file before scheduling /changing a draft.
  • If you are using the online option, you can make one-time payments in advance of care or schedule regular payments. You can pay for more than one week at a time online; however, all weekly fees must be paid by 6 p.m. each Friday.
  • We charge $25 for returned drafts (see “Returned Payments”).
  • Although you cannot register for snow/inclement weather days in advance, we do invoice for these days. Payment will be automatically drafted with the billing information on your account.


Credit Card Payment

  • There are two choices for the credit card payment method. Online at ymcafunco.org or by an automated weekly/monthly draft.
  • You can add credit cards by going online or by calling the School Age Services Support Center at 615-742-7328.
  • You can set up a weekly/monthly credit card draft by submitting a Change Form or calling the School Age Services Support Center at 615-742-7328. If you are submitting a Change Form, we need to have the credit card you wish to draft on file before scheduling/changing a draft.
  • If you are using the online option, you can make one-time payments in advance of care or schedule regular payments. You can pay for more than one week at a time online; however, all weekly fees must be paid by 6 p.m. each Friday.
  • We charge $25 for returned drafts (see “Returned Payments”).
  • Payments are due every Friday for the upcoming week.
  • Invoices are emailed every Friday for all unpaid balances as a reminder.
  • All accounts must be current no later than 6:30 AM on the Monday of care or the child is subject to be denied access into the program.
  • Payments must be made before pickup on Monday, or a payment arrangement must be made with School Age Services Support.
  • Children with a past due balance on Tuesday morning will be dropped for non-payment of fees and if there is a waiting list, the child will be placed on the waiting list. (SEE WAITING LIST)
  • If payment is made AFTER the child is dropped for non-payment and there is a waiting list, the child WILL NOT automatically be place back on the active roster. (SEE WAITING LIST)
  • After the third time a child is dropped for non-payment, a $50 registration fee will be charged.
  • If dropped for non-payment 5 times, the child will not be able to return to the program until the following school year.
  • After the third time a participant is dropped from the roster (for non-payment) in a school year, the child will have to be re-registered to get back into the program (full registration fees will apply). If there is a waiting list, the child will be placed on the waiting list. (See “Waitlist List”)
  • If dropped for non-payment 5 times, the child will not be able to return to the program until the following school year.
  • Parents who do not honor payment arrangements three times in a school year will have to re-register to get back into the program (full registration feels will apply).
  • Lack of payment of all weekly fees, including late pick-up fees and returned draft fees, is grounds for immediate withdrawal from Fun Co.
  • Any family with past due fees must pay the past due balance in full before the child can attend care. If the child is dropped for non-payment and there is a waiting list, the child will be placed on the waiting list. (See “Waiting List”)
  • Children attending Fun Co. on Monday with a balance due for the week are subject to be denied access into the program. Payment must be made before pickup on Monday, or payment arrangements must be made with the School Age Services Support Center to be paid within the week by pickup on Monday.
  • Failure to make payment or set up a payment arrangement with School Age Services (SAS) Support by Monday afternoon will result in the child being dropped for non-payment.
  • If payment is made AFTER the child is dropped for non-payment and there is a waiting list, the child WILL NOT automatically be place back on the active roster. (SEE WAITING LIST)
  • After the third time a child is dropped for non-payment, a $50 registration fee will be charged.
  • If dropped for non-payment 5 times, the child will not be able to return to the program until the following school year.
  • A waiting list has been enabled for all Fun Company locations which are currently at capacity, to allow participants to secure a slot should space become available.
  • Once a slot opens, a registration link will be emailed to the parent and the registration must be completed within 48 hours of receiving the link.
  • If the registration is not completed, the link will be disabled and the child will be added back to the bottom of the waiting list. The next child on the waiting list will be offered the spot.
  • Children dropped for NON-PAYMENT will be place at the bottom of the waiting list.
  • Be proactive with your payments, and ensure drafts will go through to avoid additional fees and denial of access to the program. After three bad drafts, your child will be un-enrolled for the remaining of year. To regain access, you must re-register (registration fees apply) and make payment arrangements with the School Age Services Support Center. If there is a waiting list, your spot will be forfeited, and your child will be placed on the waiting list.
  • After two bad bank drafts, all future payments must be set up on a credit card.
  • A $25 Returned Draft Fee will be charged for all returned EFT, debit card and credit card payments.
  • Fun Co. reserves the right to no longer accept payments made via EFT, debit or credit card due to excessive returned payments. All payments would be required to be made in cash only at a local YMCA facility.
  • To avoid the collections service and take care of a returned draft, call the School Age Services Support Center at 615-742-7328. Failure to clear a returned draft will prevent you from registering for any YMCA programs.
  • Returned credit card drafts for an invalid card number or an expired expiration date will be collected by the School Age Services Support Center.
  • Payment arrangements can be made with the School Age Services Support Center prior to a bad draft, should the occasional need arise. Please contact the School Age Services Support Center at 615-742-7328 for payment options in these rare cases.
  • Outstanding balances resulting from uncollected returned drafts must be cleared up before the child can enroll or attend any YMCA program.
  • Credit will be given up to two weeks (5 consecutive days only) for illness or vacation. To receive this credit, you must submit your request in writing two weeks prior to the desired vacation time. If you attend one day of care or do not submit request within the time frame permitted, regular weekly fees apply.
  • Full credit will be given for days absent due to a death in the immediate family—father, mother, brother, sister or grandparent. A maximum absence of three days will be allowed.
  • If a child is quarantined due to a COVID-19 exposure, the YMCA will grant a vacation week with a letter of quarantine.

Non-Discrimination Statement

  • YMCA Fun Co. (“YMCA”) will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of disability with regard to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods and services of the YMCA. YMCA will also not discriminate against any individual because of the known disability of an individual with whom such person is known to have a relationship or association.
  • YMCA will make reasonable modifications in its policies, practices, or procedures when such modifications are necessary to afford its childcare services and facilities to children with disabilities, including children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, unless the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of its services or facilities.
  • YMCA will take such reasonable steps as may be necessary to ensure that no individual with a disability is excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated differently than other individuals because of the absence of auxiliary aids and services.

Children with Special Needs

  • We are committed to creating an environment where all children thrive, including children with special needs. A child with special needs is one whom it has been determined requires special attention and/or accommodations that other children in a group setting do not require. These determinations may be based on physical, cognitive or behavioral challenges that the child may face. Our program specializes in group child care and is an inclusive school age program that recognizes each child’s uniqueness. Our desire is to work with every child and family so that their child succeeds in our program. We will make reasonable accommodations in our program toward that goal, but we must note that there are some circumstances where we cannot effectively meet the needs of a child.
  • Parents are required to complete the “Special Needs Form” in order to help us learn about your child’s special needs and their ability to manage everyday tasks or situations that are common in our school age program. The form should be submitted to sasinclusion@ymcamidtn.org with the child’s school listed in the subject line. A Program Operations Director will contact the parent to review the form. Through this process, YMCA staff will make a determination of whether or not the child needs one-to-one care and what program accommodations can be made. Based on its current funding levels, Fun Company is not able to provide one-to-one staffing. This does not mean that children who require such care are excluded from the program, but only that Fun Company cannot provide additional staff to meet that need. Where providing one-on-one-care would allow the child to reasonably participate in the program, parents have the option of providing one-to-one care at their expense.


  • Fun Company programs close during the following days/holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Juneteeth and July 4th.
  • Fun Co. does not offer afternoon care on Half Days.
  • Please see your counties calendar of fees for day of closure to observe these holidays.
  • Fun Co. closes in preparation of our transition from Fun Co. to Summer Adventure program and again from Summer Adventure to Fun Co. This may vary per county. Please check with your county/school for further information.

Parent Involvement/Communication

  • Parent Communication—We communicate by email. To receive email communication from the YMCA, please include a legible email address on the Child Information Form. Please ensure you update your email, should it change during the year.
  • Parent Information Area—At each site, there is a designated area for dissemination of program information.
  • Parent Advisory Committee—This volunteer committee is responsible for helping with Fun Co. program development, program evaluation and program promotion. This committee also assists with all special events and fundraising activities.
  • Parent Helper—Parents volunteer to assist caregivers with site duties, such as serving as a guest speaker and providing a special snack or party for the program. Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit their child’s program at any time. However, due to COVID restrictions this may not be possible at times.
  • Parent/Child Input—Twice a year, children and parents are asked to complete an evaluation of our program. With this feedback, we can incorporate program ideas and services to better meet our site families’ needs.
  • Parent Conferences—The exchange of information about a child from the parent’s perspective and the staff’s perspective can be very helpful to parents, school officials and program staff. Parent conferences can be informal or formal. We cannot emphasize enough that it is important that you share changes at home or at school that affect your child(ren)’s life. Staff can better provide for a child’s needs at these times if we are aware of the changes.
  • Evaluation—To better serve your child and their needs, we request the release of your child’s academic information, including grades, student conduct, attendance records and standardized test scores for program evaluation purposes only.
  • YMCA Membership: As a current Fun Co. participant, your household is eligible for a discounted YMCA membership rate, as well as a waived joining fee! If you would like to take advantage of this benefit, please stop by the closest facility and fill out the membership application.

After YMCA staff verify current program enrollment, you will choose either a Two Plus membership (two adults and dependents in same household) or One Plus (one adult and dependents in same household). Your monthly dues will then be set to draft on either the 1st or 15th of each month and will continue until you submit a cancellation form to your home YMCA center no later than two days before your set draft. Please note that you will receive notification once your Fun Co. participation status is no longer active that your rate is set to increase.

The YMCA of Middle Tennessee is committed to keeping its doors open to everyone. With the help of annual gifts, we offer an Open Doors Program to make membership and program fees available to all. If your household is unable to afford the Fun Co. discounted rate, we will work with you to provide financial assistance through our Open Doors Program.

Program Expectations

1. Use quiet talking in the building.

2. Use recreational games and equipment appropriately.

3. Be respectful and courteous to all students and staff.

4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.

5. Use appropriate language.

6. Stay in assigned areas.

7. Clean up after yourself.


Our goal is to guide children in becoming happy, responsible and cooperative participants through positive teaching techniques. In the event that behavior requires discipline:

  • Staff action will not damage the child’s self-image or embarrass the child.
  • Staff action will help kids learn self-control, choose alternatives, identify feelings and develop understanding and respect of feelings for others.
  • Staff will communicate regularly with families regarding behavior concerns.
  • Every effort will be made by staff to enlist the cooperation of the child and parents to solve problems.
  • To teach responsibility in the event that a child deliberately damages any property or equipment that the YMCA is using, the child/parent will be responsible for the cost of replacement.
  • Staff are responsible for proper discipline of children. We cannot allow parents to “discipline” or question children who are not their own. This applies regardless of whether activities are on- or off-site.

Suspension from our program from one to five days can occur if the following inappropriate behavior is used:

  • Harming a staff person or another child
  • Stealing
  • Damaging property
  • Using foul language
  • Being totally disruptive and uncontrollable in the group
  • Inappropriate child to child contact
  • Bullying

Behavior Management—The safety of a child is the highest priority for setting behavior management procedures. When a child has a severe discipline problem (on any ONE occasion), the parent may be called by staff and asked to pick up the child within one hour of the call.

Dismissal from our program could occur when:

  • Inappropriate behavior(s) cannot be solved after repeated attempts or on any one occasion, should the YMCA determine that a child’s or a parent’s behavior inhibits the Y from providing a safe environment for other children, and their parents, staff or school officials.
  • Behavior of a child becomes detrimental to him/herself and others – including the program participants and staff.
  • The YMCA uses “Observation Forms” to communicate with parents when it observes concerns regarding behavior changes or patterns being established. If a child receives three “Observation Reports” within a two- week period, he/she may be dismissed from the Fun Company program.
  • If a child is dismissed from the program, he/she is not eligible for re-enrollment.
  • YMCA Fun Company adheres to the zero-tolerance policy adopted by your local school system.
  • Due to confidentiality, if there is an incident involving multiple participants, we will conduct an investigation according to YMCA policy. We will not discuss the specifics of the other students involved. Parents are not allowed to question or talk to the other program participants or staff regarding involvement in an incident.
  • In the event that your child is expelled from YMCA Fun Company, that child will not be allowed to attend any Fun Company programs for a full calendar year or 365 days.
  • Following expulsion, resources to help support your childcare needs will be sent to you to help in the process of finding care for your child’s needs or specialized services that may be needed.
  • The YMCA is not responsible for finding your child a new child care placement but will supply resources.

Investigating an Issue or Concern

You may occasionally have an issue or concern you wish to bring to our attention. We welcome your thoughts and comments. In the event you have reported an issue at the site, please be assured that we will complete a thorough investigation, which includes speaking to any pertinent staff and sometimes the children. We reserve the right to suspend a chlid’s care indefinitely while an issue is being investigated. Listed below are the procedures we follow when dealing with parental concerns:

  • We speak with the parent/guardian to get all the information regarding the concern. We are unable to speak with anyone other than the parent/guardian (this includes grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc.).
  • If necessary, we will bring our Human Resources Regional Director in to work with us.
  • Once we have gathered all the pertinent information, we will follow the YMCA of Middle Tennessee’s Policies and Procedures. Depending on the circumstances, disciplinary action may be required. Due to confidentiality, we are unable to discuss any details, even if it involves another Fun Co. participant or a staff member.
  • There is no time limit with an investigation. We will take as much time as necessary to thoroughly investigate all issues.
  • Retaliation against anyone who reports an issue or concern is not tolerated. Whenever possible, we will do anything possible to protect anonymity.

Withdrawal From the Site/Program

  • A two week written notice of cancelation must be emailed to SASSupport@ymcamidtn.org. Cancelations are not taken at the site for any reason.
  • Any account with a past due balance must be paid before the child(ren) can be re-enrolled into the YMCA program.
  • A notification period prior to withdrawal is not required if the withdrawal is requested by the site.
  • The YMCA of Middle Tennessee has the legal option to withdraw a child for any of the following reasons:

    - Non-payment of fees

    - Repeated failure of parents to pick up child on time

    - Failure to provide site with current emergency/medical information as stipulated by State licensing

    - Continuous disciplinary problems

    - Inappropriate conduct of parent or guardian

    - Repeated failure to sign the child in or out each day


    If a child is dismissed from the program, he/she is not eligible for re-enrollment in any Fun Company/ Summer Adventure program.

Program Procedures

The following procedures have been developed to ensure effective operation at each of our sites, with your child’s safety as our main concern.

Parents are responsible for adding adults to their account as authorized pickups for their children. Parents will also need to speak with the Site Director to add people to the child information form at the site to make sure they match. Staff will still be required to ID anyone coming to pick up a child they do not recognize. Instructions for parents to login in and add people to the pickup list can be found on our website at www.ymcafunco.org.

  • Sign your child in each day. This is a DHS requirement.
  • Escort your child to the designated Fun Company area in the school/YMCA.
  • Inform your child’s staff of any special needs for the day.
  • Children will walk from the Fun Co. area to their classroom or cafeteria (depending on school policies).
  • Pre-K (at schools with Pre-K) and kindergarten children participating in Fun Co. will be taken to, and picked up from, their classrooms daily. All other children are responsible for walking to and from the program areas.
  • Children will walk to the Fun Co. area from their classrooms daily.
  • Attendance will be taken daily.
  • Please sign your child out each day and print your name legibly. This is a DHS requirement. Failure to comply will result in dismissal.
  • When you sign your child out each day, please check for any update information or notices at the parent information area.
  • Only authorized persons may sign a child out of the Fun Co. program. All authorized persons must be at least 18 years of age. Please provide the site director with a list of authorized persons, including their full names and phone numbers. This list will be kept on file at the site.
  • The YMCA reserves the right to suspend, and/or dismiss any child during an investigation process.
  • Anyone unfamiliar to the staff will be asked for identification. This includes the parents! For your own protection, there are no exceptions to this policy. Anyone without a photo ID will not be permitted to leave with the child.
  • If there are special circumstances involving custody issues, you must provide the site director legal documentation of those arrangements. These documents will be kept in your child’s file at the site.
  • We cannot accept verbal consent for someone to pick up your child. All authorization must be in writing and signed by the child’s legal guardian.
  • If you are running late, please call us in advance so we can plan appropriate staffing and reassure your child.
  • Staff are scheduled to work until 6 p.m. We charge $1 per minute per child for every minute after 6 p.m. that your child is not picked up. Payment of those charges is expected to be paid online within one week of the incident.
  • If you haven’t made contact with the site by 6:15 p.m., we will start calling your authorized pickup list for someone to come and pick up your child.
  • Because we are licensed by DHS, if your child is not picked up by 7 p.m., local authorities will be called.
  • Chronic late pickup is ground for dismissal from the program.
  • It is imperative that we are notified if your child(ren) will not be attending the program on a normally scheduled date. Please notify us as soon as possible. When calling, please state your first and last name and your child’s first and last name. Please notify the site of any communicable illness your child may have.
  • Once you register your child in Fun Co., you are obligated to pay the weekly fee regardless of whether your child attends the week or not.
  • Credit will be given up to two full weeks for illness or vacation. To receive this 5-day credit, you must submit your request in writing two weeks prior to the desired vacation time.
  • Please remember—Advance registration is required for service during Fall Break, Spring Break and Winter Break. If you register your child for care during Winter Break or Spring Break, payment is required in advance. No credit will be given for days your child was registered and did not attend. However, if you do not register, payment is not expected. If any of the “breaks” is shorter than the scheduled full week, regular weekly fees are required for this week and additional fees are required if you register for care for the abbreviated “break” days.
  • Occasionally, our program will show a movie during program hours. Movies will be developmentally appropriate for the viewers with a “G” rating. Parent permission to view the movie will be requested in advance. For those who do not wish to watch the movie, other activity choices will be available during this time.
  • A participant may possess a cellular telephone or smart watch at the YMCA program location provided that during program hours the cell phone and/or smart watch remains off, not on vibrate, and is concealed in a backpack.

For the safety of all participants, no video or photography is prohibited of staff or participants without written permission.

  • Written parental permission is required for the observation of a child by non-YMCA employees. This can include, but is not limited to, physical therapists, behavior therapists, or nurses.

Healthy Eating & Physical Activity

Fun Company at the YMCA of Middle Tennessee has signed on to be part of the commitment Y-USA made to become the healthiest childcare provider in the country! By implementing Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) Standards, we want to ensure children have access to healthy food and physical activity in our programs. We want to make the healthy choice the easy choice for your child while he or she is in our care. As such, our programs are committed to offering:

1. Healthy food options for snacks and/or meals that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, non-fatty, and lower sugar foods;

2. Water as the beverage of choice as opposed to sugary beverages and

3. At least 30 minutes of physical activity in our daily program.

To foster a health-promoting environment where “the healthy choice is the easy choice”, we discourage kids from bringing junk food, sodas and sugar sweetened beverages to the program.

All-Day Out Programs

Fun Company provides full-day services during the days that public schools are not in session due to staff in-service, parent conference days and holiday break schedules. Private schools’ schedules vary slightly. Check with your Site Director for information on services associated with your schedule. School sites combine during all day programs based on need and school availability. We work with the principals to determine which schools are available during All-Day Outs.

  • See your parent pack and your Site Director for your site specifics.
  • You must register in advance for scheduled closures, in-service days and full-week break programs. If you register for this service, you will be required to pay the additional fee for this service. No credit will be given if you register your child and they do not attend.
  • Children need to arrive at the All-Day Out site no later than 9 a.m. Programming for the day begins at 9 a.m., and it is vital to their enjoyment of the program to be present for the complete day. We also adjust staffing based on attendance, and late arrivals may not be accepted because of staffing and ratio adjustments.
  • Students need a healthy sack lunch and drink (no soda) each day that do not require refrigeration or heating.
  • We provide a nutritious snack in the morning and the afternoon each day.
  • During the school break days, each family must provide sunscreen for their child. All bottles must be labeled with the child’s name. Staff will supervise the application of sunscreen.
  • There is an additional fee for service for a standalone All-Day Out. Please check the Calendar of Fees for your county for the amount.
  • The YMCA complies fully with transportation rules and regulations as governed by the State of Tennessee.
  • In the event that a cancellation is needed, two days notice is required in order for the fee to be refunded.


  • Parents must provide healthy sack lunches and drinks (no soda) that do not require heating or refrigeration, if your child is participating in the All-Day Out program.
  • We will provide a nutritious snack daily during our Fun Co. after-school program.
  • A nutritious snack will be provided in the morning and afternoon during All-Day Outs.
  • Due to the number of children with nut allergies we ask parents to refrain from sending products with nuts or nut bi products.

Snow/Inclement Weather/Emergency Procedure

We know snow days can be stressful for families, especially when childcare is a challenge. That’s why we strive to ensure a portion of our Fun Company sites are operational even when school’s out. While we do not operate every Fun Co. location on snow days, we provide care at a limited number of sites for Fun Co. students, including children who do not normally attend Fun Co. at those sites. To do so, we select our snow day sites based on each school’s:

  • School Accessibility
  • Program Enrollment 

Weekly fees are due regardless of school snow closings, even in the rare occasion that school is out for the entire week, because these are not scheduled and factored into our annual fee assessment.

Please do not hesitate to call your regular site or the snow site before heading out on a questionable day. When schools alter their school day schedule due to snow by either closing early or closing for the day, the Fun Co. operating hours will change. We will open one hour later and close one hour earlier. In extreme and/or quickly developing weather situations, an individual location may close early, and parents will receive a two-hour advance notice. All attempts will be made to have announcements aired on local news stations. You can also go to our website at ymcafunco.org.

Sumner County Participants Only

When school is closed due to inclement weather conditions, the YMCA will follow the decision of the Sumner County Board of Education and close our programs. 

When schools release early from school due to weather:

  • Fun Co. will be held at the school site from the time of early dismissal to the “snow day” closing schedule of one hour early. Fun Co.’s snow closing time is 5 p.m.
  • There is no additional fee for this service.
  • Montgomery and Sumner County Participants Only: Per County District Officials, when Montgomery and Sumner County Schools dismisses schools early for inclement weather, all children must be picked up with two hours of the school dismissal time.

When schools close due to weather prior to the start of the day:

Fun Co. will operate on the All-Day Out Schedule at our snow day sites. These sites and their hours are listed in your parent information pack for your specific service area.

  • Fun Co. hours are altered on snow days. We open one hour later and close one hour earlier.
  • For hours of operation on snow days or inclement weather, please check online or contact your Fun Co. Administration offices (contact information is available at ymcafunco.org).
  • There is an additional daily fee due upon arrival to the snow care site. Please check the Calendar of Fees for your county for the amount.

If attending Fun Co. on a snow day:

  • Arrive no later than 9 a.m.
  • Bring a healthy sack lunch and drink (no soda) that do not require refrigeration or heating.
  • We will provide a nutritious morning and afternoon snack for your child.
  • Be prepared to fill out emergency information about your child.
  • Additional fees will apply and should be paid online within one week of care provided.

A site-specific emergency management plan has been completed and is kept on file at the site. If you wish to view this document, please see your site director.


The YMCA of Middle Tennessee provides a Secondary Medical Insurance policy, which is available after the participant’s insurance has made payment.

  • This requirement does not imply or admit guilt or liability of the YMCA.
  • The YMCA is not involved in decisions made by the insurance company on paying or denying claims.
  • In the event a claim is denied by the insurance company, the parent is responsible for payment of medical coverage.
  • In the event a claim is partially covered, the parent is responsible for any remaining balance.
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to submit the claim form and related documentation to the insurance company. Please make sure you carry the completed insurance claim form when seeking medical attention. The fee for this policy is built into the registration fees. Sometimes the rates increase without notice, and this cost may be passed onto the parent.


If your child is injured at the site, the site director will take whatever steps are necessary to obtain emergency medical care. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Attempts to contact parent or guardian.
  • Attempts to contact parent or guardian through emergency contact listed on enrollment form.
  • If we cannot contact you, we will do one or more of the following:

    - Call an ambulance or paramedic.

    - Should your child need to go to the hospital, they will leave with EMS. YMCA staff are not permitted to transport children.

  • In a non-life-threatening situation, we will not call an ambulance unless the parent requests it.
  • Please note—In the event of a serious emergency, 911 will be called first.


  • Parents should notify the site when their child(ren) will be absent due to illness.
  • The YMCA cannot provide care for sick children. Please do not bring a child who is ill to the site.
  • Students who are not in attendance for the school day cannot attend Fun Company in the afternoon.
  • Each day upon arrival, each child will be observed for symptoms of illness. If a child has any sign of illness or fever of 100 degrees or higher, the child will be sent home with the parent, or the parent will be called to pick up the child.
  • If a child has no overt symptoms of illness but displays significant behavior changes and is clearly uncomfortable and unable to participate in activities, a parent will be called to pick up the child.
  • The child is not allowed back to the program until 24 hours has passed and the child is no longer symptomatic.
  • If your child becomes ill at the site, a parent will be contacted and asked to take him or her home. The child will be isolated within sight and hearing distance of an adult until parent arrives. If parent cannot be reached, the staff will contact the emergency contact person listed on the child’s enrollment form. Because we cannot provide care to sick children, a parent or an emergency contact must pick up their child within one hour after being called. Failure to adhere to this policy can lead to suspension or dismissal.
  • Parents must complete the permission to administer medicine form and turn in to the site director.
  • Medication that needs to be administered should:

    - Be brought directly to staff in its original container as prescribed.

    - Contain written instructions as to quantity, time for it to be administered, name and phone number of doctor, and any other directions for use. Written clearance must also be given to the YMCA to administer the medications. Forms are available at the site.

    - When picking a child up, medication will be returned and the parent must sign verifying that the medication was returned.

  • To ensure proper staff/child ratio, children may not stay inside during outdoor play time. If your child needs to stay inside for a few days for health reasons, please keep him or her home a little longer.
  • We are required by law to follow certain guidelines regarding the administration of first aid and the contact of blood during this procedure.
  • Staff are required to wear gloves when administering first aid.
  • If you or your child has an injury at the YMCA or in a YMCA program and blood is present and an employee has assisted, the YMCA is required to ask if you or your child will consider being tested for bloodborne pathogens, diseases or viruses. You may decline this request. If you agree to be tested, it will be done so at the YMCA’s expense. Staff will be required to ask you this at the time of the accident and record your response.
  • Staff must follow OSHA guidelines in the clean-up and disposal of blood contacted areas and materials.
  • Staff must complete an accident/incident report.

Child Abuse Prevention

The health and well-being of your child(ren) is essential to YMCA Fun Company The YMCA has developed a policy on the prevention of child abuse that includes the following provisions: Parents are encouraged to visit program sites at any time and do not need to make an appointment to do so.

  • An annual meeting on child abuse prevention is scheduled for parents.
  • Parents will be informed about their child’s program participation at YMCA Fun Co.
  • Staff and volunteers will be alert to the physical and emotional state of all children. When any sign of injury or suspected abuse is detected, the director will be notified immediately.
  • The YMCA will offer information on child abuse and assistance to parents and children through workshops and resource materials upon request.
  • YMCA staff will not release a child to anyone other than the authorized parents/guardians or other individuals authorized, in writing, by parents. Sign-in and sign-out logs will be maintained on a daily basis and kept on file.
  • YMCA staff and volunteers will not verbally or emotionally abuse or punish children.
  • YMCA staff and volunteers will not discipline children by use of physical punishment or by failing to provide the necessities of care, such as food and shelter.
  • Reference checks on all prospective YMCA employees will be conducted, documented and filed prior to employment.
  • Staff training will include information about the signs of child abuse and the approved procedures for responding to the suspicion of abuse.
  • It is the YMCA’s policy that staff may not be alone with children they meet in YMCA programs outside of the YMCA. This includes babysitting, sleepovers, inviting children to their home, gift-giving and special phone calls to an individual child.
  • To report concerns, please contact the School Age Services offices at 615-259-3418.
  • YMCA Fun Company Before and After School Programs are licensed through the Department of Human Services (DHS). When an incident occurs and/or is brought to our attention, the YMCA is legally bound to notify the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS).

Smoke-Free Policy

  • All YMCA Fun Company sites are Child-Safe Facilities.
  • No smoking or use of alcohol, weapons or illegal substances are allowed on the premises.

Emergency Line

  • In the event of an after-hour emergency, please contact our monitored line at 615-742-7328.